Wisdom is the Proper Use of Knowledge

If there is anything we as Christians need to keep in our hearts, it is the knowledge that we need wisdom, because wisdom is the ability to properly use the knowledge that you have.

You can have a great deal of knowledge and come into a great understanding of the scriptures, but without the wisdom you will go forth to proclaim that Word and do damage.

The carnal mind will absolutely try to destroy the seeds of the Word of God.

Do you notice I don’t use the word “devil” too much?

People say, “Brother, don’t you believe in the devil?”

No, I believe in God.

And I believe that the only place the devil has is that place IN MY MIND that I give him.

If I give him no place, then he has no place.

I don’t believe it is even worthy to mention the devil; I would rather use the phrase CARNAL MIND.

“Brother, are you saying the devil is my mind?”

I am saying that that is the only place where the devil can use anything that he has, because whoever gets the mind gets the man.

And the devil has captured and captivated the minds of God’s people through the blindness and through the ignorance that has been taught from the pulpits across America.

It was not done knowingly so.

Men who have had good hearts, men who have loved God, men who have desired above everything else to please God, have sown darkness and blindness over the hearts of God’s people, because they themselves were ignorant, BEING BLINDED AND DARKENED TO THE LIFE THAT WAS IN THEM.

“This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you henceforth walk not as other gentiles walk.”

I believe that many of the saints that Paul was speaking to in those days had this revelation and understanding.

You remember Jesus Himself spent forty days with His disciples unveiling to them the Gospel of the Kingdom.

They had an understanding. They knew who they were.

And because of that, sometimes just the very presence of one of those men would cause healing to take place!

They understood, and so Paul in his teaching was reminding them in the Book of Ephesians of all that had been given to them by God.

“You have been CHOSEN; you have been PREDESTINATED; there is a predestinated seed in you that WILL come to maturity, BUT EVERY MAN IN HIS OWN ORDER.

You have been seated with Christ in heavenly places; you have been redeemed by the power and the blood of the Lamb.

THEREFORE don’t walk as an unbeliever, BEING ALIENATED IN YOUR MIND from the life of God, through the ignorance and the blindness of your heart.”

God is so good.

I can testify to you that God is God, because I have been in some of the most wretched, miserable conditions for a Christian that anyone could ever be in, and every time God came to me and rescued me out of it.  Every time!

And I have been months in darkness; I have been months thinking God left me; I have been months thinking that I must really have offended God. You see our wrong choices cause things like that to happen, but God is God.

He says, “Gary, you are going to be this way because I designed it, I planned for it, and it is for your best interest.  And because I am your Father and I have your best interest at heart, I am going to perform My will in your life.  Now you can fight that, you can oppose that, but I am your Father.  Don’t you realize that I brought you forth, I created you?  You were My idea.  I am responsible for you, because I created you and brought you into being.  And because I am responsible for you, if I did not perfect that in you which I desire to do, I would be an irresponsible parent!”

Can you understand that?

God is responsible for that which He created.

Aren’t you responsible for the children that you bring into this life?

How much more so is God responsible!

Yet religion tells us that because we are rebellious, because we are caught up in pornography, because we’re selling our bodies as prostitutes, God cannot help us.

Well if He can’t, then He is not God.

If it depends on what I can do or what I can’t do, then I am god, and He is not God!

Stay Tuned…

From “Coming Out of Darkness” by Gary Sigler